The Ford House has been recognized on account of the home’s owner, Sidney Robinson and his ongoing stewardship and maintenance of the iconic, 1950 Bruce Goff-designed house in Aurora. Robinson has owned the Ford House since 1986 and has undertaken the difficult task of restoring its original, unique features. With the home’s distinctive materials—curved steel Quonset hut ribs, coal masonry, war-surplus “bomber blister” skylights and roping—every restoration project has been a challenge. Although the home remains a private residence, Robinson has always shared the house for instruction and artistic interpretation. For decades, architecture students have been welcomed into the house. In addition to the restoration work, Robinson has helped to ensure the protection of the Ford House through its listing as an Aurora landmark, its listing on the National Register and its pending listing as a National Historic Landmark. Most importantly, he has made arrangements in his estate to have a preservation easement on the house donated to Landmarks Illinois.